Wow it's taken me so long to actually post this - I finished it several weeks ago and have been wearing it to work, but hadn't got round to photographing it.
When all of the sewing blogosphere was a flutter with By Hand London's Anna pattern, my lovely hubby bought me the pattern. I gazed lovingly at the beautifully designed packaging and the clear instructions and waited...
...for just the right fabric. I wanted a winter version and while visiting South Shields market a while ago I picked up this fabric for £2 per metre. The stall holder didn't know the fibre content, so after burn and bleach tests I figure it's a wool blend. It has a nice handle and is soft and warm.
Said fabric was washed and I traced the pattern, straight UK 12, and cut out the pieces. One Saturday and Sunday I sewed- following the instructions exactly. The dress went together perfectly, seams and notches matched, what a dream to sew. I truly believed I'd be wearing this to work on Monday. Then I tried it on!

For the most part the fit was good, just minor changes such as extending the pleats by about 1cm and widening the back dart. I think I'm right between sizes and could have used the size 10 instead. However, the back neckline really gaped. I was disappointed as the rest of the pattern was so well drafted. I considered standing with a stoop just so I didn't have to alter it. That's just stupid. So removing the facing and adding back darts to remove the excess. I've also adjusted my traced pattern to include darts and I've shaved off about 1cm from the top centre back seam, tapering to the original line at the waist.
After wearing it a few times I found that the front neckline also gapes a little, so I've adjusted the front by taking a wedge shaped piece out of the centre front. The next time I make it I'll also add 1cm to the length of the bodice as I'm long waisted and it currently sits just under my ribs rather than on my waist.
I'm glad I made this in a cheaper fabric and i'm glad i've worn it to test the fit - hopefully the next version will fit me better. I'm planning on teaming the bodice with Gertie's pencil skirt. I have a floral fabric - just need the time to make it.
I do like this dress and now the fit is sorted I'll be making more. I have several Anna hacks in mind already. It's just a shame it didn't meet my need for instant gratification.
Next up will be my suit - again made, just not yet blogged - one day I will organise my life!