Sunday 24 June 2018


Have you been to see the documentary about Lee Alexander McQueen yet?

What a delight. This film has both inspired and saddened me. There are very few truly creative genius in the world and I think McQueen was one of them. Trailer below.

I'd followed the McQueen collections from a distance for many years, always being inspired by the creative and artistic elements he included. As I began my MA in fine art in 2007 and started thinking about my own artistic practice, I became more aware of contemporary artists and designers. I consider myself an artist, teacher, designer, maker. and all of these facets are linked for me. I have a desire to create - whatever that might be. Sometimes it takes the form of artworks. Sometimes technically accurate patterns and sometimes looser draped ideas. All things that I saw in the work of McQueen. His attention to detail; the inspired impossible clothes and the ideas that underpinned it all.

In my opinion, Lee Alexander McQueen was an artist and a sculptor at that, not just a fashion designer. A true creative. I saw through the film that drive to keep making - it's part of your DNA. Not a choice, but a need - it's part of who you are and I can relate to that - I feel it too. For McQueen, the fame and stress that this bought eventually had a negative impact on him, which ultimately led to his untimely death.
The focus and creativity of the man have been an inspiration and I can say without a doubt that the Savage Beauty exhibition at the V&A was singularly the best exhibition I've ever seen. It was Also shown at the Met and you can see a gallery view here.

I love his insects inspired work. Sometimes I have felt that my own butterfly inspired work was somehow influenced by his work. It wasn't - I was working on my pieces before his collection came out - it's just coincidence - or maybe great minds think alike (who am I kidding).


Some of my work with the same subject matter.

Anyway. If you are a lover of high fashion, or art, or McQueen, or creativity, or genius, or inspiration, or real-life stories then you must go and see this film. Go to be inspired, go to cry, go to recognise true talent, go to seek creativity in yourself, go to be touched by a troubled life, but go.

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