Style is something we are sold. High fashion trickles down to the high street and eventually into our wardrobes. We are told what's hot and what's not and in a few weeks, it's all changed again - welcome to the world of fast fashion. So what can we do to develop our own style? I have 3 ways that I'm exploring to do just that.
1. Make your own clothes?
Well for starters you choose the style and fabric of the garment you want. you invest time and money into it and therefore it tends to spend longer in your wardrobe and with a bit of practise, you can get the fit spot on. There is nothing better than making clothes that fit you when you can't buy them in the shops.
Me made and designed dress |
Isn't it expensive?
Yes, and No. - Patterns and fabric can be expensive. However, you can sew your own garments very cheaply. I don't spend a lot of money on sewing and I look to use fabric as economically as possible by trying to use up every last bit. I also upcycle and remake some clothing items to get more wear out of them and personalise them. There are plenty of free sewing patterns out there and I even have a couple too - you can find them
here. I use a local market for some of my fabric or buy during the sales to keep the cost down. for example last year I bought 2.5m of stretch denim from the market. It made me a pair of jeans and a pinafore dress. The fabric cost £15. Another cost-saving way to make your own clothes is to learn to draft patterns. There are plenty of classes out there, but also some good books. I recommend
Metric Matern Cutting for Women's Wear by Winifred Aldrich.
Making my own clothes helps me develop my style, especially if I commit to wearing my me-made items every day. So I've signed up for Me Made May again this year - with a challenge to be more creative in my clothing choices. You can sign up at
So Zo's blog.
'I, Claire from @artcoopsville, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '18. I endeavour to wear me-made every day and to explore the more creative side of my clothing choices and really express myself through each outfit during May 2018.'
2. Don't be afraid to express yourself.
So how do I explore my creative side? I was thinking about Hila's (
Saturday night stitch) pledge to embrace the eccentric during her MMMay challenge. I think it's great that Hila has eccentric items to wear. this got me started on my own style ideas - its something that's been bubbling away for some time and I'm starting to formulate some ideas about how to express my personal style a little more creatively.
When I was an art student back in the 90's I really did wear some eccentric items, but I wasn't comfortable in my own skin, I was often trying to be someone else. I didn't really have a sense of who I was. Now I do, but I'm often wary of wearing exactly what I'd like as I need to be professional at work and I can tend towards the jeans, t-shirt and hoody at the weekends. MMMay gives me the opportunity to mix it up a bit.
A. Be yourself - It's all too easy to fit into what society expects you to look and be like. I love colour, quirky patterns, amazing shoes, doc marten boots, jewellery etc, but often I'm fearful of overdoing it and end up playing it safe, wearing just one of my lovely garments or accessories. Well, it's time to say I don't care what you think - This is me!.
Yes, it was fancy dress - but I love it! |
B. Work with what you have - Don't go out and buy new unless you are replacing a worn out item. Look at the items you have in your wardrobe and decide what will work together. You might notice you have a lot of the same style of trousers/ skirts or a particular palette of colours might become apparent. (I have lots of dresses - but in lots of different styles and colours). don't be afraid to try some unusual combinations- you might be pleasantly surprised.
C. Personalise - much easier if you make your own clothes, but add something to your garment that signifies you - it could be a statement brooch. a scarf worn as a belt. upcycle and embroider garments to make them unique. change the buttons for some that stand out or contrast.
D. Be bold - don't be afraid of colour. If this is something new to you choose a statement piece that is you, Sunglasses, shoes, hat, and pair it with something more neutral. throw out the style guides that say you can only wear this with that, or never wear this with that. it's your style - wear what you want!
3. Finally - create a mood board of the things that you see as your style. Pinterest is great for this, or actually collage images together it will help you identify the styles of clothes, colours, patterns and textures that you are drawn to. So when you purchase or make your next item of clothing you know what you want and need. below are some of the styles and colours that I'm drawn to.
May is Coming and it's Time to be Brave!
Come take a look at my
Pinterest style board - can you work out my style?
Dior RTW collection 2018 |