Sunday 23 May 2021

Ginger Jeans take 3

I am growing to love this pattern the more I make it. This is the 3rd version of this one and I don't think I've ever sewn such stretchy denim. I was gifted this fabric my Minerva in exchange for a review as part of their brand ambassador program. I have shared my make on their site and you can read it here.

A few weeks ago I was cleaning the bathroom and I used some bleach spray, which I managed to get onto my black skinny jeans. So it was time to get making and create a new pair.

As usual I followed the online sewalong, which is super useful. If you are planning to make a pair of jeans - whatever the pattern - I can highly recommend the Closet Core Pattern sewalong. It will take you through construction techniques and give advice on fitting and adapting the pattern to suit you.

As I was using the stretchiest denim, I ended up taking in the seams quite a bit. I went with the high waist and skinny leg version and hope that these will make fab skate jeans and they are almost as stretchy and comfy as a pair of leggings, truly Jeggings.

I really love these and I think they'll probably get as much use as my last pair (which are worn several days per week).

1 comment:

  1. Being of a slapdash and clumsy nature, I have studiously avoided using bleach spray!


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