Thursday, 13 October 2011

What I did On Wednesday

Getting Prepared
I've been itching to do some visual art recently. I decided to spend Wednesday mucking about with some inks, oil bars and paint. Not my usual medium. I also fancied doing some landscapes - also not what I usually do.

So after cleaning the front room, doing washing I set up the inks and began. Two hours of making a mess and not a lot to show for it, as I was just creating base layers of printed ink. I was printing onto thick cartridge paper, which absorbs the oil in the ink to leave quite a matt surface. I really like shiny surfaces and and thinking about printing some base layers on some hot pressed board and paper. the shine stays on this type of board, but the paper tends to slip on the plate and lining up is difficult. (Perhaps I'll work into the base layers with pencil and pastel instead.)

Anyway, after popping out to meet Liz for lunch and buying new boots and soap making supplies ( my next project), I returned home and began to work into the prints. Some are coming along nicely, but there are a few that need a lot more work.


Today I worked hard all day and then went to the NEATEN (North East Art Teacher/ Educator Network) meeting at the BALTIC. I'm looking forward to seeing the Turner Prize Finalists there in the next few weeks. Tomorrow I'm going with Jess to choose fabrics and designs for her bridesmaid dresses. What a creative week!


  1. Great prints! Well done ~thanks, namaste,Carol (Share the Creative Journey) linked with Sunday Sketches

  2. What a very interesting process! I like these a lot - fun to hear about other artists and how they create.


  3. Oh these are gorgeous!
    I particularly like the one with the road.

  4. it's nice to hear how you create. I like the one with the yellow road.

  5. beautiful prints you've created!

  6. beautiful~ both the prints and how you've photographed them!

  7. I really like them all and it is fun to hear the how to!!
    cheers, dana

  8. Interesting! I really like these!

  9. oooh, I like your creativity! Your little village with the road is my favorite!


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